
Guatemala Water Mission - Team 2422, May 2024

May 3rd - One Day to Go Well, here we are one day before we head off on another adventure to serve the people of Guatemala.  The thoughts that come to mind at this moment are, do I have my passport, do I have my medications, are our travels going to go smoothly, etc. I’m checking my packing list several times, because you can’t be too sure.  This trip will be different than all my other trips because those were eyeglass mission trips, but this one is for water purification, hygiene, etc. There will be a bit of a learning curve, but we will pray that our work is successful, and that the people we are serving can get the most benefit from our work.  The benefits they receive will be the true measure of success. We fly out of Detroit first thing Saturday morning on our way to Dallas, where we will meet up with the rest of our team. Our team is comprised of people from Michigan, South Dakota, Kansas, and Montana. I always look forward to meeting team members from other parts of the country

Guatemala Eyeglass Mission July 2023
